1231 is the 202nd prime number, “Skull and Bones” = 202.

This is the 31st day of the month, 31 is the 11th prime number. This is also a date with 11 numerology. “Topeka” =31, “Kansas” = 11.

11 is known as the “Master” number to the Freemasons.

Today is a date with “12+31” = 43 numerology. “Masonic” = 43. “Pandemic” = 43. Watch for specific “Pandemic” related 43 rituals today.

Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale.

Today is a date with 83 numerology. “Murder” = 83. Watch for an 83 related death today in the headlines.

Today is also a date with 47 numerology, and number which connects to the 47 degrees on the Masonic Compass, from the 47th problem of Euclid.

When using the Masonic Calendar, today is a date with 123 and 51 numerology.

Don’t forget that the Illuminati was formed 5/1/1776, just before the creation of the United States.



As you can see, they are emphasizing the word “chaos” = 46. Today is a date with 46 numerology.


Please see my daily decode for 12/30/2020 to understand how I predicted exactly what numerology CNN would be using today.

Don’t forget that there is EXACTLY 46 books in the CATHOLIC Old Testament.

The actor in the image is “Adam Kinzinger”. “ADAM” = 46 when using Greek Isopsephy. This is why he is paired with this “chaos” ritual.

Notice also the heavy emphasis on “MISSOURI”. He is reporting from MISSOURI City, Texas, about the Senator from MISSOURI. The only reason this is in the news today is because of the numerology of “MISSOURI” = 123.

This is the EXACT numerology I predicted would be used today hours earlier just by knowing todays date numerology is 12/30 and “12+30” = 42.

Notice how his name overlaps in 3 of the 4 base ciphers with “Catholic Church”.

Notice also how the video from CNN is EXACTLY 01:10 in length. This news story is about the “President” = 110.

This is more proof that the Catholic Church is contriving the news EVERY SINGLE DAY. Stay tuned because there will be more rituals without any doubt.

12/30/2020 – DAILY DECODE

Today is a date with “Conspiracy” = 123 numerology. Think of ABC 123.

Today is a date with 42 numerology, corresponding with “Freemason”, “Zionism”, “Saturn”, and “Jesuit”, as well as the 42 Laws of Ma’at.



This is the 365th day of the year, and the day leaving 1 day remaining in the year. “ABRAXAS” = 365 when using Greek Isopsephy.


Here is todays other significant date numerologies. Keep an eye out especially for Joe Biden and Catholic related propaganda today because of the 46 numerology. Biden is the 46th president, as well as the 2nd Catholic president.


Tomorrow, the planets of Jupiter and Saturn will “conjunct” in the sky, meaning they will appear nearly as if they have merged into one celestial object. The significance of this event is very great, not because these conjunctions are rare occurrences, as they happen about once every 20 years, but because the date that the conjunction occurs upon is a correspondence that has not occurred for AT LEAST the past 2500 years. Not only will Jupiter and Saturn “conjunct” in the night sky, but the night that this happens on is the Winter Solstice, meaning it is the shortest day of the year.

In this post I will explain the numerological significance of this “conjunction”, and how it relates to the upcoming year, 2021.

To begin, notice that the day that these events occur upon is the 21st day of the month, corresponding with the gematria of “Jesuit” and “Saturn”.

Of course, this conjunction is happening during the time of the first Jesuit pope, Pope Francis, as well as during the presidency of Jesuit Donald Trump, and just before the appointment of Jesuit Joe Biden as the 46th president. This conjunction is of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, and “Saturn” is where the word “Satan” is derived from.

This is a painting from 1636 called “Saturn Devouring His Son Jupiter”. This is one of the reasons why I am worried about a Satanic Cannibalistic Jesuit sacrifice happening on this date. Keep your children safe!

This conjunction is happening on the 21st day of the month, just before we enter the 21st year of the 21st century. Also, the date of the conjunction is a date with 73 numerology, which is the 21st prime number. Don’t forget that the word “Sacrifice” equates to 73 just using the alphabetical order.

Also, notice that the upcoming presidential inauguration on 1/20/2021 is also a date with “1+20” = 21 numerology. In fact, every inauguration since the 33rd president (who was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason) has been on this day, January 20th, which is also significant because the word “Illuminati” = 120 using the alphabetical order, and 120 is the number of members of the Jewish “Knesset”, a term which overlaps in all four ciphers with the word “Saturn”.


The significance of 120 numerology comes from the Bible, where it is said that Moses, the Egyptian founder of Kabbalah (which is where the practice of gematria originates from) lived to the very old age of exactly 120 years.

In conclusion, if you are reading this then keep yourself, your friends, and your families safe, because as we speak there are extremely Satanic and ancient agendas being promulgated behind our backs that involve cannibalism and ritual blood sacrifice, and I can only hope and pray that you or anyone you know do not become a victim of their evil agendas that will unfold through the Saturnian Jesuit year of 2021.

BLACKPINK – Ice Cream: Pedophile Cannibalistic Catholic Masonic Symbology

In this article, you will learn about the hidden occult references in the song and music video for the BLACKPINK song titled “Ice Cream”. When I hear this title, right away it makes me think of “I Scream”, which is probably a reference to the screams of their rape, torture, and murder victims of this ancient cult.

First, I will decode the lyrics, and then the music video. I have included the lyrics below so you can follow along. This song was released by the Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Interscope Records, which is owned by Universal Music Group, which as I explained in my post about Katy Perry is one of the “Big Three” Illuminati record labels.


As you can see from their logo, they identify by the letter “i” for Interscope, but really this just symbolizes the all-seeing-eye of Freemasonry.

The lyrics begin by mentioning a “Slurpee” which equates to 33, a poisonous concoction created by the Freemasons who control the food supply.

The next lyrics are about “jeans” but the writer says that they actually refer to “genes” as in the DNA that they consume in their Cannibal Ritual. They also refer to Michael Jackson, a known pedophile.

The lyrics then refer to the “chosen one” while singing “play the part like Moses” and “keep it fresh like roses”. This is probably the most occult verse in the entire song, because Moses is an Egyptian who is regarded as the founder of not only the Jewish religion and culture but also as the creator of Kabbalah which is ancient Jewish mysticism that spread out of Egypt about how YHWH created the Universe by merging the letter with the number with the sound.

The “roses” represent “Rosicrucianism”. I have a detailed post about the Rosicrucians coming soon, discussing their profound influence on the secret societies of Freemasonry and the Enlightenment era Royal Society scientific “revolution”. For now, just know that “Rosicrucian” means “Rose Cross”, and the rose represents secrecy to the occult, while the cross represents Christianity. Therefore, the name of this secret society could be interpreted as “Secret Christianity”, “Esoteric Christianity” or “Mystical Christianity”. The doctrines of the Rosicrucians, which later spread to the Freemasons, were based upon Kabbalah and alchemy, which is concerned with finding the elixir of life. This is probably the reason they eat babies, because it makes them feel “fresh” rejuvenated, and healthy by curing illnesses, and this is actually the true reason behind the “scientific revolution”, to figure out how to obtain immortality for the Illuminati, and become like God/Gods.

Speaking of roses, one of the singers of this group is literally named “Rose”. She has very interesting name and birth numerology as you can see below, and here is a picture of her at the 33rd Golden Disc awards.

Her contrived name, “Roseanne Park” = 137, the 33rd prime number, as well as 56 and 187. This corresponds with the gematria of “Washington, DC” = 137, 56, 187, as well as “Society of Jesus” = 56, 187. She was reportedly born on the 42nd day of the year, corresponding with the gematria of “Freemason”= 42, “Saturn” = 42, and “Jesuit” = 42. There is also the ancient Egyptian concept of the 42 laws of Ma’at, an ancient Egyptian version of Freemasonry, as well as the 42 generations to Jesus mentioned in Luke.

Her birthday could be written 2/11 or 11/2, both being significant because the Jesuits supposedly operate in exactly 112 countries and the number 211 is the 47th prime number, a significant number to Freemasonry seen on their logo in the compass, as well as corresponding with the gematria of words such as “Government”, “Authority”, “Republican”, “Democrat”, and “DC” all equating to 47.

The lyrics then say “looking good enough to eat”. This is a very clear example of the hidden Cannibalistic terminology and meaning within this song. The lyrics then proceed with another example of Cannibalistic terminology at “he’s my favorite flavor”.

I will now show you the Catholic Masonic Government symbolism within the music video for this song:

Here you can see the dancers underneath a dome-like structure. If you count the colored bands on the roof you will notice there is exactly 16 of them, just like the Kansas Capitol Building, all meeting in the center to represent 17, which you will find many times in Catholic, Masonic, and Government architecture. The words “God” = 17, “Mason” = 17, Freemasonry begin in 1717 on a Catholic Holiday, and the word “Catholic” = 71, the reflection of 17.

This is the Kansas Capitol building, which has the exact same design as St. Peters Basilica.

Here you can see the exact same symbolism as the music video on the Topeka Capitol Building, which is octagonal in many ways, even being located on 8th street, along with the Topeka #17 Masonic Lodge and the 17 numerology Jesuit Knights Templar Catholic Church across from it. This is not the only music video this symbolism is found in. Rather, it is found within a wide range of different videos by many differnet actors for the mainstream music industry in different parts of the world. This proves that it must be a Worldwide Fraternal Conspiracy of the Catholic Church and Freemasons who have invaded every country in existence with their symbolism.

This is St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican City-State in Rome, Italy. It has the exact same numerological design found in this music video and on the Kansas Capitol Building at 666, plus much more.

This is the Octagon Nazi Templars who released this Pharaonic music.

Here you can see two examples of left eye symbolism.

There is an 8 for octagon symbolism on this materialistic necklace.

God/Dog symbolism, with Knights Templar Nazi logo in the background.

Another example of swastika symbolism on the wheels of the bike, very similar to the Satanic Nazi Templar Atlantic Records logo.

This is an example of the complete materialistic enslavement of humanity being promoted by these disgusting Illuminati sellouts/slaves. Notice the CHRISTIAN brand she is wearing, as well as the Star of David and Rose for Rosicrucian symbolism. They are forced to promote these Catholic rituals.

In conclusion, this was a completely coded piece of Propaganda by the Catholic Church, as evidenced by the architectural encoding of the Freemasons, Catholic Church, and Government, and by their complete ownership and enslavement by Interscope All-Seeing-Eye Records.